Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Game Console

This was one of our first "BIG" purchases as a married couple. It was our first "GROWNUP" purchase.  It was the perfect media console! it definitely helped that we got a KILLER deal because one of the drawers never shut just right, but we didn't care! It was hardly noticeable.
A few yrs ago, the hubs won a BIG flat screen tv and it hung over either side of our cute little media console which made it look very odd and very out of proportion!  SOMETHING had to be done! Luckily I had an old dresser that we decided would work. We fixed it up and it became our NEW media console.  I could bare to sell the old one, so I pushed it aside and used it as extra storage.
I HATED it! The black looked so out of place, it stuck out like a BIG FAT SORE THUMB! compared to the rest of our décor.  I kept saying I would paint it but never had the time. Well ENOUGH is ENOUGH! The kids were gone, the house relatively clean, laundry done, I had NO excuses!
Isn't he (yes its a HE) just lovely..... (insert eye roll)

I threw my Painting canvas down and got ready to TRANSFORM this eye sore into something a little more suitable!
I did a quick sand with a 120 grit just to scuff up the shiny manufactures finish.  Then its a quick wipe down with Clorox wipes. I like to use Clorox wipes because it gets any greasy residue or any possible gunk that has collected as well as the dust from sanding. Plus it dries quickly so I can get to painting and I don't have to wait for it to dry!
Next I mixed up my BB Frosch Chalk Paint Powder into a custom mixed color, (same color as my stools!) Behr sample Jar in flat. That is another reason I LOVE BB Frosch! I can get a high quality chalk paint AND use my custom color mixes!!! Now what other paint gives you that option!?  I used a little less then the sample jar, which is equal to a cup of paint.  I did 2 coats on this piece. Wanna know a secret!? This makeover ONLY cost me about $7!? Including the wax finish! WHAAAAAT!!!!??? IF I bought a pre mixed paint, and IF they had the color I wanted, it would have been at least $30 JUST for the paint! PLUS I have powder left over for a few more projects!
OK! back to the little Mr. Isn't He is coming along!!  Look at that coverage after only 2 coats!! AHHHH! He is looking MUCH better all ready!!
Now that we have him all painted up it is time to distress a little and do a quick little sand with a 400 grit to smooth everything out. In case you didn't know, I am a little OCD about having a nice, smooth, silky finish!

 I love how just a little distressing can make a big impact! I am seriously DYING over how much I LOVE his new look! I wanted to put new knobs on, but I am kinda liking the old ones! There are often times when you just hate the old knobs, but then after everything is painted and done, the old knobs look great! This is a perfect example of that for me!
He got a nice coat of BB Frosch Premium Finishing wax in clear. I did 2 coats on the top for a little extra protection.
Ok are you READY to see the whole piece completed!?
EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.  I walk by I just get GIDDY! I cant believe I waited so long to finish it! He now looks like he belongs and blends so beautifully with the rest of my great room! What a lovely place to put ALL of our games!
I am in LOVE!

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