Monday, May 9, 2016

Using Clear Wax with a Stencil

HEY Everyone! If you follow me on FB or IG (ummm if you are not, well you really should ;) ) then you  have heard me say all the reasons why I LOVE BB Frosch products! ONE of the many reasons is that they have a simple product line. No one likes to have to buy a ton of products for a specific project or to get a certain look. With BB Frosch you don't have to! They have streamlined their products in such a way that you have UNLIMITED options! without having to buy a ton of stuff!  From the way you use each product to color options, and I LOVE that! I can just let the creativity FLY and not have to break the bank to do that! Can I get an AMEN for that one! 

So lets talk about their Clear Wax. I LOVE to use it in many ways from straight out of the jar, to melted in its liquid state, from the as is color to tinting, so many possibilities! 

As I thought about what to get the moms in my life for mothers day, well, lets just say it is tricky! They both have about everything, so what do you get for that woman who has everything? Well a custom sign of course! 

As I started to put together all the different components the background just looked, well too plain for this particular project. 

I wanted to do some sort of pattern on the back but I wanted it to be very subtle. I could use chalk paint but didn't want a full coverage. I could distress it, but it wasn't quit the look I wanted either.  If I watered it down so it was more transparent, it would bleed under my stencil... what to do.....  TINTED WAX! (go HERE to see our tinted wax tutorial)  I thought why not, lets see what happens! As I always tell customers, the worst thing that could happen is you have to re-paint so I had nothing to loose! 

Time to gather the supplies :

*BB Frosch clear wax
*chalk paint (mixed with BB Frosch Chalk Paint Powder of course!) 
*container for mixing wax
*Small BB Frosch wax brush
*BB Frosch lint free wax cloth
*wax wand

You will want to tape your stencil down with painters tape to keep it in place. You will apply just a SMALL amount of wax on your brush with a wax wand.

Now you will stipple the wax onto your piece. you don't want to push the wax under your stencil. It will look like this :

Work in sections. If you want a smoother look, LIGHTLY brush over your wax to smooth it out, being careful NOT to again, brush your wax under your stencil. The nice thing about wax vs chalk paint is that the wax stays where you put it and doesn't "run" so you don't have to be to terribly careful.

Once you are done remove your stencil and lightly buff, then sit back and admire your awesomeness! There were some areas that had more wax then other places and it appeared "darker" then I would have liked. To solve that problem OR if you want a little "distressed" look,  simple take a little bit of clear wax on your wax cloth and lightly rub those areas. Pretty cool huh! 

Subtly and soft pattern! I LOVE how this turned out and can't wait to do it again! I think I have the perfect piece of furniture that might get a loving dose of this technique ;) 

What do you think? Will you be trying this on your next project? Tag us if you do because we love to celebrate your awesomeness! 


*to purchase any of the products used or to attend a workshop contact us on FBIG, or email us!


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